The Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, an internationally reputed institution dedicated to the promotion of education and culture, is a charitable public trust founded by Dr. K.M. Munshi a…
Continue ReadingLet noble thoughts come to us from every side
Classroom Activities
Interhouse Competitions
Our School
The Goa Kendra Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan founded a Pre-Primary school which became operational from the academic year 2004-05. The school was named Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan’s Vikas Vidyalaya. The school got…
Learning Outcomes
Learning outcomes are statements that describe the knowledge or skills students should acquire by the end of a particular assignment, class, course, or program, and help students understand why that…
Mission and Vision
Mission Statement: Our Vision Is To Have Holistic Education Academically, Physically And Psychologically. Our Mission Is To Move Towards The Vision And Our Action Is To Implement It! Key Points:…
Dr. K. M. Munshi
Kanaiyalal Maneklal Munshi, (30 December 1887 – 8 February 1971) popularly known as Kulpati Dr. K. M. Munshi, was an Indian independence movement activist, politician,…
Continue ReadingLate Smt. Manda Bandekar
Late Smt. Manda Bandekar Chairperson of Bhavans Kendra, Goa and Bhavans School in Upasnagar was a beacon and a lighthouse who was full of ideas…
Continue ReadingAcademics
Pre-Primary → Primary → Middle → Secondary
Pre-Primary School
Pre-Primary education is the first stage of compulsory education. We at Bhavans enable children to get prepared for future higher…
Primary School
The role of primary education is to ensure the development of children from class I upto class V. The teachers…
Middle School
At Bhavans, our most important aim during the middle school years is for the child to develop strong study habits,…
Secondary School
Secondary education is the stage of education following primary education. Our academic studies start from classes IX to X. Our…
School Office Timings
School Office Timings (During Lockdown period) from 10.00 am to 1.00 pm.
Admission for Academic Session
Admission for the academic session (2020-21) is open from (Playgroup to Class - 9). Please contact Office (0832-2555151).
Apply Online
Visit and click on apply, download the form and follow the instructions.
Chairman's Message
It is our earnest endeavor to uphold the vision of the Late Chairperson Mrs. Manda Bandekar. Bhavans imparts value-based education as our mission is to help our students to become good human beings espousing the threefold cherished aspects of dharma Satyam, Shivam and Sundaram. Parents and teachers must shoulder the responsibility teaching values to the children which are the need of the hour. We have to develop in the student’s creativity and innovation. We have to teach them the clear distinction between the right and wrong. Let us also encourage our children to take risks and choose lucrative careers serving the society. May God bless us all and give the strength in this noble endeavor.
Shri. Narayan Rajaram Bandekar